Why Go Premium Pine?
Purchasing the right size Swing Set is important!
Creative Playthings Swing Sets come in all sizes, but every family is unique and so are their needs. Do you envision your kids playing on their new set for 3 years? 10 years? More? It’s a big question that often goes overlooked. We have divided our sets into 2 Age Approriate categories and here’s why...
If your family is big or still growing and you want a swing set in the backyard for more than 10 years, we recommend selecting one of our Premium Pine sets! These feature 9ft. swing beams, higher platforms, more head room and much larger play decks to accommodate tons of kids. Also, unlike our smaller sets, you can add-on to your Premium Pine set in the future--ensuring that your family never outgrows your investment.
These smaller sets are the perfect choice for families with younger children. They feature 7ft. high swing beams, smaller play decks and are more economical than our Premium Pine swing sets.